Richard Lavoie

Richard Lavoie

Title: Dean’s Club Professor of Law
Office: Room 221 C. Blake McDowell Law Building
Phone: 330-972-2324
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Richard Lavoie is a Professor of Law at ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­ School of Law. His areas of scholarly interest are tax ethics and statutory interpretation.

He teaches courses in individual taxation, corporations, secured transactions and commercial paper.

Prior to joining the Akron Law faculty in 2005, Professor Lavoie was a visiting professor at the University of Texas, Northwestern University, Syracuse University and Capital University. He was also an associate professor at Washburn University. He is admitted to the New York Bar.

Professor Lavoie received his A.B., cum laude, from Dartmouth College; J.D., cum laude, from Cornell University, where he was a member of the  Cornell International Law Journal; and LL.M. in Taxation from New York University.

He is the author of numerous publications on tax compliance and ethics issues, including Am I My Brother’s Keeper?  A Tax Law Perspective on the Challenge of Balancing Gatekeeping Obligations and Zealous Advocacy in the Legal Profession, 44 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. __ (2013); Patriotism and Taxation: The Tax Compliance Implications of the Tea Party Movement, 45 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 39 (2011) and Problems in Tax Ethics (West American Casebook Series, with Donald Tobin & Richard Trogolo) (2009).