
January 12, 2009


Carolyn Dessin presented, Consumer Protection Law and the Elderly: What's New - What's Needed, for the Section on Aging and the Law at the 2009 Annual AALS Meeting in San Diego in January. She was elected Chair-Elect of the Section.

Bernadette Genetin presented E-Discovery for the Litigation Section at the 2009 Annual AALS Meeting in San Diego. Bernadette is also a member of the AALS Litigation Section Executive committee.

Dick Aynes presented on a panel entitled History and Historiography at a conference on "The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights: What have we Learned? Why Does it Matter?" at the University of San Diego.

Jane Moriarty was interviewed for an article by Washington Lawyer regarding her work on neuroscience and the law.

Jane Moriarty accepted an invitation to write a book review for Judicature on the new book, "Science for Lawyers," edited by Eric York Drogin.