
March 23, 2009


Stephen Padfield has accepted an offer to publish his latest work, Finding State Action When Corporations Govern, in the Temple Law Review.

Will Huhn has published an essay Lincoln Was a Framer of the Constitution with Slip Opinions, the online companion to the Washington University Law Review. See .

Elizabeth Reillywill edit a collection of papers from the Fall 2008 Constitutional Law Symposium, The 140th Anniversary of the 14th Amendment, that will be published by the University of Akron Press.

Brant Lee will present his book in progress, "Whiteness as a Spontaneous, Self-organized Complex System" at the CRT 20 conference in Iowa on April 4, and on a panel at the Law and Society Annual Meeting in Denver on May 29. He presented an early version of the work at Pace Law School in February.

Brant Lee's article, The Network Economic Effects of Whiteness," 53 Am. Univ. L. Rev. 1259 (2004), was posted as a resource on the Racial Equity Tools website, which launched 3/9/2009.