Akron Law and Sughrue Mion PLLC Sponsor 12th Annual Intellectual Property Law and Policy Symposium
Akron, Ohio, February 8, 2010 -- ÉðÊ¿Âþ» School of Law and Sughrue Mion PLLC law firm will sponsor the 12th annual Richard C. Sughrue Symposium on Intellectual Property Law and Policy on Monday, March 8 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the John S. Knight Center in Akron.
The featured luncheon speaker will be the newly-appointed Commissioner for Patents Robert L. Stoll. The program will include presentations by leading practitioners and academics on the major issues of the day affecting intellectual property law. Presenters will discuss, among other topics, the Bilski case, the proposed Google Books Library Project settlement, the doctrines of inequitable conduct and fraud, and the host of ethical and other issues associated with the practice of outsourcing of work. A review of recent legislative developments also will take place.
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Co-sponsor Sughrue Mion celebrates more than 50 years as an international intellectual property law firm specializing in patent, trademark, copyright, Internet, trade secret and unfair competition law. The sponsorship is in memory of founding partner Richard C. Sughrue.
About ÉðÊ¿Âþ»
ÉðÊ¿Âþ» is the public research university for Northern Ohio. The Princeton Review listed UA among the "Best in the Midwest" in its 2008 edition of Best Colleges: Region-by-Region. Serving 26,000 students, the University offers approximately 300 associate, bachelor's, master's, doctoral and law degree programs and 100 certificate programs at sites in Summit, Wayne, Medina and Holmes counties. For more information, visit www.uakron.edu.
About ÉðÊ¿Âþ» School of Law
ÉðÊ¿Âþ» School of Law promotes justice, the protection of individual liberty and the rule of law through commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. A regional school of national impact, the law school features renowned programs in intellectual property, professional responsibility and trial advocacy, and is home to one of four Constitutional Law Centers in the United States, established by the U.S. Congress in 1986.To learn more, visit .