Akron Law and Sughrue Mion PLLC Law Firm Sponsor 13th Annual Intellectual Property Law Symposium on March 21
ÉðÊ¿Âþ» School of Law and Sughrue Mion PLLC law firm will sponsor the 13th annual Richard C. Sughrue Symposium on Intellectual Property Law and Policy on Monday, March 21 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the John S. Knight Center in Akron.
The program will include updates on the latest developments in intellectual property law. Noted treatise author Donald Chisum will discuss developments in patent law, including the Supreme Court’s decision in Bilski. The program will also feature a panel comprised of Marybeth Peters, who recently retired as the Register of Copyrights, and former Federal Circuit chief judge Paul R. Michel, who will discuss the challenges facing copyright and patent law. Other panels will discuss the pending Supreme Court case dealing with the first sale doctrine and the ethical implications of using private investigators in intellectual property disputes. If Congress enacts patent reform legislation during this session, the program also will include a review of such legislation’s major provisions and their impact on the practice of law. Robert Bahr, Associate Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy at the United States Patent and Trademark Office will be the featured luncheon speaker.
For registration information, call 330-972-6363, e-mail manovac@uakron.edu or visit .
Co-sponsor Sughrue Mion celebrates more than 50 years as an international intellectual property law firm specializing in patent, trademark, copyright, Internet, trade secret and unfair competition law. The sponsorship is in memory of founding partner Richard C. Sughrue.