
University to close January 3 at 2:30 p.m.

ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­ Main Campus and Wayne Campus will close today at 2:30 p.m. due to periodically worsening road conditions in Akron and northern Summit County.

See complete details.

Ronald D. Rotunda to Speak at Akron Law Oct. 29


ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­ School of Law’s Joseph G. Miller and William C. Becker for Professional Responsibility Distinguished Lecturer presents “Lawyers: Why We are Different and Why We Are the Same”. The lecture will be given by Ronald D. Rotunda, The Doy & Dee Henley Chair and Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence Chapman University School of Law. Watch the lecture online .

The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will be held Friday, Oct. 29 at 4 p.m. in Room 151 at ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­ School of Law, 150 University Ave., Akron, Ohio. One hour of free continuing legal education credit will be offered. A reception will immediately follow the lecture. To register to attend, visit ; e-mail manovac@uakron.edu or call ext. 6363.

The lecture will address the lawyers’ heightened interest in their ethical obligations, as malpractice law suits and government enforcement actions – both based on the Rules of Professional Conduct – are on the increase. In his presentation, Rotunda will discuss to what extent the ethics rules make lawyers different than other professionals and what courts and law firms can do to create incentives for lawyers to follow the rules that already exist.

Rotunda, is a public scholar and internationally renowned authority in two fields, Professional Responsibility and Constitutional Law. He is a longstanding member of the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility Publications Board and has served on its Professional Discipline Committee. Rotunda helped to write the first Cambodian democratic constitution as Law Advisor to its Supreme National Council and has assisted other democracies in Easter Europe and the former Soviet Union in drafting constitutions and judicial codes. In addition, he helped draft the first set of Rules of Ethics for lawyers in the Czech Republic and, more recently, served as Special Counsel for the Department of Defense.